Management Accounts
Accountants keeping things simple in a complex world.
Management Accounts include
- Analysis of Debtors and Creditors
- Analysis of expenses headings
- Preparation of cash flows
- Presentation of accounts to Directors/Business owners
- Management accounting solutions
- Presentation of accounts to Auditors if applicable
- Preparation of adhoc reports
We are available for dealing with inspectors from various government departments.
Accounts Analysis
Clients can avail of our accounts analysis along with expense reports. These look at your gross margins and analyse the relationship between sales and gross profit. With our management accounting solutions we can then prepare cashflows and budgets to help you maintain this margin.
Overheads Analysis
Analysis of overheads and administrative expenses. We look at allowable expense management, business expenses, tax deductible expenses, mileage expenses and how to succesfully manage and reduce expenses. We can also compare the market for the following business expenses to see if we can acquire them for you cheaper elsewhere.
- Payroll analysis
- Motor expenses analysis
- Insurance costs and analysis
- Telephone and broadband costs analysis
- Mobile phone costs analysis
- Audit fee analysis
A company with 7 vehicles may find it much more cost efficient to use a ‘Fleet’ company instead of personally owning, or the company owning the vehicles.
Payroll Analysis
A full in-depth analysis of the actual cost per employee. Sometimes a reduction of a couple of € Euro can result in a net increase to the employee and a saving to you the employer. We can also tell if a sales rep is costing you money rather than making it for you!